News Article #2- KFC Accessory Giveaway Contest In Japan




Looking at the picture above you are probably wondering “what in the world is that lady wearing?” Surprisingly she is using a KFC desk pillow that is being given away in celebration of Colonel Harlan David Sanders’s birthday.  imgres

They are also giving away an Iphone 5S drumstick case. Earlier in the month they introduced the giveaway with products like a USB, a mouse and even a keyboard. They are only giving away one of each product but runner ups will get drumstick earrings.

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1. Customers(+/-) The contest winners may receive negative comments from customers who didn’t win. Other people may try KFC for the first time and realize how much they actually like it.

2. KFC company(+/-)If people don’t win the contest they might be angry at KFC but other people may decide to start eating at KFC and they might follow them on twitter so that they can win the next contest.

2.Twitter(+) Since the contest is being run through twitter people may create accounts so that they can enter or keep up to date  with KFC news.

Personal Opinion:

I think that out of all the crazy things KFC has done in Asia, this might actually be a good idea. Because of the oddness and rareness of the products, people may become interested in the contest, or maybe KFC itself. The contest is so bizarre that it makes me want to enter to get the desk pillow even though I will never use it if I won. KFC has attracted me with their funny commercials like these few  containing an actor I like.

Would you enter this contest?

Which prize would you want to win?

Does the commercial make you want to eat at KFC?

What are your views on companies doing crazy or weird things as advertisement?

Would you go eat/shop somewhere if an celebrity you liked advertised for that place, why or why not?

News article #1- Children of the US use Mobile devices more than any other electronics




The  popularity of smartphones and tablets has increased for children between the ages of 4 and 14. Seventy-one percent of  households had smartphones and 43% have tablets, which is a 22% increase since 2012. Portable  devices have become more popular as they can be enjoyed by all members of the family.  Children spend an average of 1.5 to almost three hours on these devices every day and some are more confident using a tablet or smart phone than they are  reading or tying their shoelaces.

Even the most tech savvy people like Steve Jobs and Evan Williams (creator of twitter) don’t allow their children to use electronics until they are 10. “Alex Constantinople, the chief executive of the OutCast Agency, a tech-focused communications and marketing firm, said her youngest son, who is 5, is never allowed to use gadgets during the week, and her older children, 10-13, are allowed only 30 minutes a day on school nights.”

Companies like Amazon have taken  notice to the sudden popularity and have created products like the Fire Kids Edition. Is this device craze temporary or will it only get worse?


1.Children (+/-) Certain kids use these types of devices for educational purposes while others use it to the point that it becomes unhealthy.  Children are using electronics instead of going outside to play. This peak in inactivity is helping cause obesity and unsocial behaviour that may last  for the rest of their lives.


2.Parents (+/-) Adults try to find ways to distract children and electronics are great at that. Devices give parents more free time but it also makes children unruly when they are taken away. Depending on their financial status it may be hard for parents to keep  up with the demands of their children.

3.Device company(+) The popularity of a product makes or breaks it. The more kids that want electronics, the more parents will buy them.  Companies are getting more income which they can use towards advertising in hopes of attracting children.

4. Schools (-/+) Teachers are trying to integrate technology into their teachings and having kids who are knowledgable in that field would be helpful. On the downside, kids don’t always have self-control so they may use their phones in class and not learn what they should.

Person Opinion:


I have 3 younger brothers at home and I find it disturbing that  my parents want to get them tablets when the eldest of them is only seven. I feel technology should be introduced at around then age of 10. Technology has made my brothers disobedient and violent towards each other.I myself  only use the electronics for around 5-8 hours a week. What happened to the days where kids played outside and enjoyed it. The days where you didn’t have to be on a sport team to be fit. When i used to go to people’s houses to play soccer, not sit and go on our phones. The world is changing rapidly, and in this chaos we ourselves change.


Is it worth it giving kids devices when there are so many possible negative side effects?

Do you think that kids will outgrow this obsession?

When did you first use electronics?