Journal #4- Success

Success- the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals. (


My definition of success changes depending on its context. A simple definition would be attaining ones dreams. The topic seems more centered around life, though. A successful life in my eyes is one where you never feel empty. A life where you live in the now, not held down by guilt, or blinded by the future. A life where you can wake up and embrace the world is one that is successful; it’s a life that is worth living.

Whatever it is you know you are successful using my criteria- Have you and/or others gained anything? Are you where you want to be? Are you better than you were before?

A time of success when something is gained are seen all the time. Money raised for charity, getting good grades, or even being fastest on your sports team.

A key question is about if you are somewhat satisfied. You haven’t become a successful anything, if in your eyes you aren’t.

Improvement is the key to success. If you can now right neatly with your opposite hand, you were successful.

When have I felt successful? It is hard to say as I am not the type of person to set many short term goals. A few times might have been:

1. When I got straight A’s

2.When I learned to read Hirigana(one of 3 Japanese scripts) and Hangul(Korean script)

3. When I learned to play violin and preformed for the school

4. Realizing how lucky I am to have such caring friends.

5. Every time I am a step closer to my goals.

I would say that the opposite of success is laziness. If you stay where you are and never improve there are only two possible outcomes. Worsening or nothing.

To be successful IT I want a grade that represents my effort. I want to strive for the best and pick up a lot of useful knowledge.




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