Journal #5 – Hello 2015

Thinks I am thankful for-

The most amazing thing of 2014 would  be meeting my little nephew. My sister (actually my cousin) visited from Edmonton and brought her son Yunis along. Even though at 8 AM he’ll wake and start ‘talking’ at the top of his lungs, it’s still so cute. All the dirty diapers, cries, laughs and everything in between are irreplaceable to me. Seeing him smile is what kept me laughing it off everyday.

My nephew Yunis
My nephew Yunis

Another thing I learned appreciate is family. My brothers and step-mother have been away in Seattle for around a month now. Being away from them has made me realize how much I need them. All this cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishes and quiet has made me want them to come back. The house has been so empty and quiet without them.

I am grateful having such a kind and generous grandfather. No matter what it is, he always wants the best for me. For him time, energy and money are things he will easily spend on me. Without him, I don’t know what I would be doing right now.


I am grateful for the opportunities I have had this year. .Unlike many people around the world, I have had a stable. I have been able to go to school everyday and further my education. Every year I get to attend a violin recital held by my violin teacher. The audience is only around 100 people, but it is still so much fun and I enjoy sharing my talents.

My recital in 2012
My recital in 2012

I am grateful for my friends. We have spent so much time together and those are moments I’ll never forget.

Goals for 2015-

1. My goal in Info Tech is to at-least get a 90%.This is important to me because I want a 4.0 GPA like I had last year.

2. I want to try harder with physical health because I am not doing well in PE class. This is important because health is  a something people overlook and doing so can cause many complications.

3.I want to draw better in 2015. I haven’t been using my sketchbook recently so my skills have plummeted.

4.I want to spend my time more efficiently. I want to be more productive so I can accomplish more things

5.I want to  sleep more in 2015. I have been a bit more tired lately so I should improve my sleep habits.

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