Art Institute Guest

1. The Vancouver Institute website is:

but the main Art institute website is:

2.Her name is Hilary Quick

3. Some courses are Graphic Design, Animation, Fashion Design, and Culinary Arts

4. Some possible careers are graphic designing, level designing, concept art, and fashion designing.

5.Some software used is Photoshop, After Effects, and Maya

6. For high-school students there is a work experience program called ‘sweat’ where students can visit the school for four days.

The school also has work placement services for applied students.

7.Some competitors are Emily Carr University, Vancouver Community College, LaSalle College and Vancouver College of Art and Design

8. Every course is different but it is $450 per credit hour

9.I learned about what programs are offered and what type of things are done in certain fields. I also saw how cool some jobs were.

10. I might go to AIV but maybe not right after high school. Animation has always been a job that I have decided to do only if my first choice fails






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