Grade 9 @ Work




Yesterday I didn’t technically go to work. My father had classes and was supposed to give me a tour of the campus and his work-site. Apparently Canada Post (where he works) had important people coming, so I wasn’t allowed to come. I did go to Vancouver with him and witnessed how he gets there. My father takes  the b-line bus to King George and then a sky train to a stop called Stadium-Chinatown. He then walks for around five minutes until he reaches his school.


As I was to young to be on the campus alone, I went to Starbucks and ended up meeting my uncle. My uncle was actually working from Starbucks. He is an technological analyst for the PHSA (Provincial Health Services Authority), but he rarely works from his office. He usually goes to Starbucks and works from his Mac Book. All his work is done through programs I am not familiar with. All I really understood is that he does all his meetings through a program called Microsoft Lync. My uncle treated me to some Turkish food and I took some photos by the water.

central branch

After all  that relaxing I went to the Central Branch Library in Vancouver. Once there,  I skimmed through a variety of novels. I even went to the language section and helped myself to graphic novels I did not understand. Once I had collected my share, I decided to find an area to sit. This particular library has tables that contain lamps and  a place where you can charge your devices. I believe most people probably use that area to study and prevent their laptops from dying, but i wanted those tables because my iPod was running out of juice. I circulated around the 2nd-6th floors looking for a table, but even the most secluded areas were occupied. As I wasn’t in the mood to share a table, I found a corner with a nice view and sat on a chair. Being at the library was actually quite fun and my father said that the minimum age to work there is 15. I plan to work there over the summer as the fact that he wage is $16/hr is actually pretty good. I do not wish to be a librarian for the rest of my life, but it always  helps to have experience. In the future I am most likely going to be an architect as  this profession has intrigued me since I was 5.

Yesterday was an valuable experience and it was better than lazing about at home. I may not have seen what I had wished, but did take something away from it. Hopefully many others feel this way too.

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