Scratch Game

The game I created is a brick breaker style game. The first screen that pops up is a short story and instructions on how to play. Once you click play, you are taken to the characters screen where you can choose the color of the ball.


You can choose the color of the ball.
You can choose the color of the ball.



The first level is fairly simple and the ball moves at a relatively slow pace. Once you have a certain amount of points, the levels increases and so does the difficulty.

The first level of my game


Once you either win or lose you will end up at the end screen. If you win your ‘Points’ and ‘Lives’ will stay there, but if you lose your points will only be visible.  You can click on either button at the bottom of the screen and they will take you to different pages.


The end screen
The end screen



Pressing the ‘Credits’ button will take you to this page. Here, there is some information on who helped me with my game and how they helped.








What are you most proud of about your game?

I can’t believe I pulled off anything close to this game. I am proud of the overall result and the fact that I was able to add customization and levels.

What challenges did you have with the game?

The hardest part about creating the game is doing things without instruction. I wasn’t sure how do make the ball bounce or how to make the points increase or decrease when I wanted them to.

How did you overcome these challenges?

At home I spent a lot of time experimenting to figure out how to do certain things. I looked at other people’s games to figure out how things worked and to see how other peoples designed their games.

IF given the opportunity, what would you change about your game?

One thing I really wanted to add were falling blocks like there are in original brick breakers. These blocks would do things like increase the player’s lives or make the ball multiply.



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