Scratch Reflection


Scratch was an interesting program to work with. Even though it was hard work, I enjoyed making my own game the most because I was able to explore possibilities and figure out how things work. Also, having the choice to create any game was a nice touch. Being able to be creativity and put our own twist on the game was a fun challenge. I think that having to put script together was fun like putting together a puzzle without looking at the box. With this challenge, I did bump into a few problems. At first I wasn’t sure how to get the ball to bounce off the paddle and once I did, I had to figure out how to make it go in the opposite direction.  Another challenge I faced was the fact that you may have to write long script to do something small so my game was quite time consuming.

If I were given more time, I am not sure what I would do. I would probably do my initial game idea (an interactive story). The complexity of the game I wanted to create would have been too hard to finish in the time span we were given. I wanted the game to add or gain points depending on what missions you completed and how you treated others. Another key feature would have been the cellphone. Completing missions would strengthen you chances of getting texts. Texts could be like bonus missions where your reaction would give you mega points depending on the situation.

Scratch was a fun in-class program, but I doubt that I will use it again in my free-time. Unless my next IT teacher decides we should do scratch, I won’t be creating any new projects.

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